All abstracts must be submitted through the Congress website:
Abstracts received after this deadline will not be considered.
Submission guidelines
1 - Abstracts may be written and presented in English, French or Spanish. For French and Spanish versions an additional copy in
ENGLISH must be uploaded in pdf format.
2 - All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and authors will be informed about acceptance of their paper.
3 - Accepted abstracts are official communications to the Congress; the presenting author MUST REGISTER at the time of
acceptance of the abstract and agrees to attend the Congress and present the abstract as scheduled.
4 - It is important that the abstracts be proofread carefully
- The PRESENTER AUTHOR must register himself in the system, entering e mail address and creating a password.
- Once registered, you enter may see the papers and their status: OPEN or COMPLETED.
- Papers can be saved to be later completed. These papers will have an OPEN status.
- Once the abstract is finished, press the button SUBMITT
- When finishing the submission, the author will receive a confirmation receipt.
- No changes are allowed in the list of authors after the presentation is completed.
- Authors should indicate the institution they represent with their abstract.
- Text: It should not exceed 3,600 characters. Text, blank spaces and images will be considered as occupied space
- Names of authors, who appear in more than one abstract, must be expressed identically to avoid ambiguities regarding identification.
- The system will send all necessary notifications to the PRESENTER AUTHOR e-mail address.
- The best works will be awarded a prize. If you want your work to be prized, award checkbox must be ticked.
- It is required to indicate your preference for oral or poster presentation.
- Enter at least one keyword. If you want to enter more than one keyword, separate them by line breaks
Notification of acceptance/rejection, instructions for oral or poster presentations will be e-mailed by June 15, 2016 to the presenting author.