Publicaciones en Kinesiología
iliotibial band, located in the external part of the thigh, is a structure
belonging to the uninterrupted facial network, with relevant importance on the
pelvis, hip and knee dynamics and statics, influencing on the global corporal
equilibrium and dynamics. Exposed to constant mechanical demands, it is often
affected, thus developing deep myofascial restrictions.
The purpose of the
study is to objectively show the clinical observation performed during two
years, period in which the painful points often appearing at the inferior
segment level of Maissiat’s band were significantly reduced, by means of the
cecum and/or sigmoid mobilization, depending if they are on the right or left
side respectively.
Patients, material
and methods
An experimental,
transversal, randomized and double-blind study was performed on a sample of 85
volunteers of both sexes, aged between 15 and 70 years old. The inclusion
criteria was that the patients should feel pain at palpation at some point of
Maissiat’s band inferior segment.
The sample was taken applying a systematic
randomized technique and divided into three groups; two experimental groups of
30 patients each, where the cecum and/or sigmoid mobilization was performed
depending if the painful point was located on the
right or left side respectively, or both if the painful point was bilateral;
the third was a control group of 25 patients to which a placebo technique was
applied which consisted in the radiournal joint pumping.
As indicators in all
the sample groups the painful point intensity was taken, as well as the
recording of the point’s skin temperature, before and after the colon
manipulation and/or the placebo
technique. The pain measurement was taken using the visual analogical scale (VAS) and a spring mechanical algometer; for the
temperature, a digital thermometer equipped with type-K thermocouples was used.
The records obtained from the respective measurements were statistically
analyzed. In the first stage, the Kappa index was established
to measure the interobserver concordance among the measurement values obtained
for each variable in the different groups. Subsequently, a descriptive analysis
was performed, and the Student’s Test for samples matched for the variables of
each group and the Student’s Test for independent
samples for the analysis of the variables of a group with respect to another
one were applied. Finally, the way of presentation and frequency of the painful
point was estimated in its unilateral/bilateral, right/left ratio, as well as the respective sex incidence.
The results of this statistical analysis
showed a significantly reduced (p < 0,05) painful point after the colon
manipulation in both study groups, while in the control group the difference
between both variable means is 0, leading us to
interpret that the pain level is not modified.
The temperature
variable shows a significant increase (p < 0,05) after the manipulation both
in the study groups and in the control group.
With respect to
the Kappa index, the results found were between 0,7 and 1 in most cases,
corresponding to a GOOD-VERY GOOD assessment; this concordance grants
reliability to the study.
As to its way of
presentation, in all cases it appeared sub-clinically, with right unilateral
predominance in connection with the global sample. This result is maintained in
the male population, whereas in the female population the right/left ratio is
Therefore, we can
conclude that the cecum and/or sigmoid mobilization produces modifications in
the painful points of the Maissiat’s band inferior segment, significantly
decreasing the pain intensity.
band – Colon – Osteopathy
Fasciae – Reflexes – Nervous system