Welcome Address
Dear colleagues and friends,
In the long history of the International Society for the History of Medicine Buenos Aires city in Argentina will be honoured to host its delegates and participants to expand its research area in a vast and appealing subject such as the history of Medicine.
This election has become possible thanks to the support of the Argentine Forum of schools and Public Schools of Medicine and the Dean´s hospitality has also meant a great pleasure for us, especially for having been selected as the SEAT for the 45 th International Congress of the International Society for the history of Medicine. This agreement of institutions will provide a worldwide broad casting for the activities of the institution.
In spite of being our country young and in a developing stage we are just celebrating our Independence Bicentenary in 2016, we have been able to produce three noble prizes in science due to the presence of a large number of public and private schools of medicine, a significant qualified level of professionals and researchers, as well as laboratories a highly complex system of health services. For this purpose we have been sponsored and supported by different nationality groups who have extensively and intensively contributed to the installation of high tech hospitals. The cosmopolitan constitution of our culture has given place to a melting-pot in which diversity is a current and enriching factor from which perhaps you will receive an echo of this condition in your own country.
In answer to this idiosyncrasy we would like to focus on an updated area of contents in which different branches of knowledge will be considered.
This point of view provide a new vision about the human condition in a social context without disregarding the deep rooting and beliefs that have led to the present conceptions in a rich interchange between present and past.
In my position of president of the Congress and Vicepresident of the International Society, I feel extremely pleased to receive you in our country. I would also like to thank you for the support and cooperation from all members who have contributed to make this feasible

Mg. Ana María Rosso
Presidente del Congreso / Congress President